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Guitar technician reporting from the tourbus....

Thursday, 9 October 2008

...waiting to change over from the support act (Demians, who are very good) for the second gig, this time in Den Bosch. The first one went pretty well - no hitches to speak of. During the night somebody broke tour bus rule number one and left un petit poo in the lavatory. No-one has owned up to it yet but we'll soon get to the bottom of it. Our esteemed driver and spiritual advisor Lloyd has informed us that the on-board toilet is no longer under his jurisdiction.  After the gig we're driving to Antwerp for the night as we can't get external power for the bus here. Apparently we'll be in the old town near canals. Should be nice for a late evening beer or two.

1 comment:

ninatalia said...

'un petit pooh' - how did you come up with this brilliant idea? I'm simply amazed with your use of words :P can't wait to read the rest!