A hot and sticky gig in a smashing little venue which epitomised Finland for me - clean elegant surroundings, helpful friendly people and damn good food. It was so hot during the concert that during the intermission, in an effort to compose himself, Vincent lay flat on his back in the backstage area. Upon arising he left an imprint in perspiration that I can only describe in the following terms: Imagine Han Solo encased in carbonite, had The Empire Strikes Back been filmed as a gay porn movie....

Vin needs to get trousers with bigger pockets so his transmitter fits and he's not forced to wear a leather jacket in a sauna ;)
But somehow heat always adds something to the atmosphere of a gig. Wasn't Den Bosch 2007, but it came pretty close!
That is one hell of an imprint left there :/
lol i didn't know jabba the hut was after vinny 2 man being a space pirate must be hard work!
just like a piece of art by leonardo da vinci:X
Anyone can look hot, but to make your sweat look sexy - that's something!!! LOL!! :D :D :D
Your blog is the best, really think you SHOULD turn it into a book.
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